Once upon a time, through moments of solace...
FOODESSA...gloriously came to life.
Here's the story that may answer the curiosity of some as to how the Food Fairy Countessa came about.
(graphic credit: Rachel Anderson)In the very early
morning hours...I find myself in a very peaceful
state of mind.
My aromatic coffee
by my side
and soft music in
and soft music in
the background, I begin to
surf the web.
I avoid anything work related.
I call these well deserved 'me' moments.
I convince myself that there's plenty of
time for those responsibilities to creep
once again into my daily routine.
For now, these moments are precious
For now, these moments are precious
I consider myself a fairly happy, content person.
I got a glimpse
into a world that
This, may just be
finally the place for
contributing, sharing
my discoveries
and expressing
my viewpoints.
(graphic sourse: Ina Spicer)
Whatever these bloggers stand for, it matters to them.
If others want to show their appreciation...
it tends to fuel more greatness.
This community has served as a great informative and enlightening outlet for many.
After all, from
Fairies have also figured in this
I gratefully do live with the attitude of
the ' glass is half full ' mantra.
However, lately, I started feeling like I was
not tapping into something personally meaningful.
Throughout the last few months I've had a chance to view
many journals by some very talented bloggers.
Some of which portrayed a very genuine,
deeply rooted passion about their chosen subject.
I got a glimpse
into a world that
could somehow provide
an outlet for my
curious, dedicated
an outlet for my
curious, dedicated
and creative nature.
This, may just be
finally the place for
contributing, sharing
my discoveries
and expressing
my viewpoints.
Whatever these bloggers stand for, it matters to them.
If others want to show their appreciation...
it tends to fuel more greatness.
This felt right to me...just my kind of place.
This community has served as a great informative and enlightening outlet for many.
Lately, however, I have been the fortunate one.
I found myself benefiting immensely.
I found myself benefiting immensely.
So, there I was with so much to say...so many ideas and discoveries to share.
Maybe, I too, should start journaling?!?
Therefore, I figured...why not live vicariously through an alter ego such as a
‘ Fairy Countessa ’ of sorts.
‘ Fairy Countessa ’ of sorts.
After all, from
when I was a child, I have very
strangely had visions of myself
from the Medieval
from the Medieval
Renaissance times.
Fairies have also figured in this
strange, although, very intriguing
part of my life.
(graphic credit:: Julie Fain)
part of my life.
(graphic credit:: Julie Fain)
I can no more explain this phenomena to myself...
just as well as accepting with absolute
certainty how we were all created.
This may somehow explain my odd interests as to
why I've been drawn to fairies all my life.
For as long as I can remember...
I've been collecting images...
more precisely artistic paintings
and brilliantly drawn illustrations of fairies.
Their expressive and extremely colourful auras
Their expressive and extremely colourful auras
embrace the qualities I look
for in people.
This divulgence may seem very strange to some...
however, the joyful, light-hearted qualities that
Fairies seem to possess are definitely the same
qualities I relate to when surrounding myself.
In addition...
Fairies are usually
depicted within gorgeous
garden surrounding.
That may explain
my fascination with
the mini botanical garden
I created and nurtured
many years at our
Bed and Breakfast.
Within my tight circle of friends and family...
I am counted on for always scoping out the top spots for
anything specifically FOOD...DECOR or TRAVEL related.
My great little discoveries do not stay secret for long...
I always can't wait to share my little joys of life.
Therefore, I figured...why not enlarge my sharing capacity with all of you.
Therefore, I figured...why not enlarge my sharing capacity with all of you.
No sooner do I begin surfing several subjects of interest...
I find myself generally attracted and circling
around the one topic that unites all my interests...
...the fascinating universe of FOOD.
Hence, the delightful
birth of... FOODESSA
Fairy Food Countessa
to the incredibly
to the incredibly
culinary world.
culinary world.
Through my passion
and quest for
food related...
food related...
why not want to feel
like a ‘ Countessa ’
like a ‘ Countessa ’
on her culinary journey.
(Credit: artist oil painter: Howard David Johnson)This type of journaling will thankfully give
me access to a platform where I may freely express myself and share with others.
I want to give myself the leniency to search and write about anything that
peaks my interest.
The interactions I will soon have through
acquaintances in our cyber world will undoubtedly
prove fruitful and adventurous.
I never, however want to let myself get carried
away whereas my time is taken away from my
responsibilities and precious time with my loved ones.
I desire to continue respecting the life balance I require of myself.
Therefore, I do not want to place any
type of pressured expectations.
I will move with
the flow of life
and see where
it leads me.
Please join me in this
journey of pure joy and delight.
Click here... for a little more...about FOODESSA
Flavourful wishes, Foodessa
Comments ...???... or suggestions ... write me :o)
Claudia at: foodessa [at] gmail [dot] com